Are you looking for the best 3 resistance bands exercises? The ones that will give you the fastest results?
If the answer is yes... then listen up cause I'm going to reveal to you the best resistance bands exercises that almost any one can do. These 3 resistance exercises are designed to build the muscles of your upper body.
I do recommend that before you begin to exercise that you do a quick 5 minutes of cardio to get your muscles warmed up properly.
Resistance bands exercises will give you all the benefits of working out with free weights.. How? The weak point of weights is that the bulk of the work is performed when you first move the weight.
the motion is complete the momentum of the weight has taken over for
the most part. In exercising with resistance bands this is not true. The
resistance of the bands increases with it's length.
What that means is that as you push through the motion the exercises becomes more difficult. Pushing your muscles to work even harder.
These are the best resistance bands exercises -
# 1 - Resistance Biceps Curl
The biceps curl is a great arm builder exercise. You perform it the same way as you would do a biceps curl with dumbbells, but instead you will be using resistance bands. Perform this exercise as follows:
Position your feet on top of the bands with the handles in your hands palm up buy your side. Create a slight bend in your knees and curl the handles upwards towards your shoulders-- of course only allowing your elbow to bend up. Perform this exercise slowly for 8 to 12 repetitions and perform 3 to 4 sets.
#2 Bent Over Row
Place the bands under your feet and lean forward at the waist. Pull the bands until your elbows bend and repeat. Perform 8 to 12 reps in 3 to 4 sets.
#3 Triceps Extension with Resistance Band
Start by holding the bands in one hand and place that hand behind your back. Grab the other end of the band with the arm that is over your head. Then extend the top elbow until your arm is fully extended.out your back as well as your abs. Perform 8 to 12 reps for 3 to 4 sets.
There you have the best 3 resistance bands exercises for your arms and back. Perform these exercises slowly and strive to use more resistance with every workout. When purchasing resistance bands make sure you use a good quality band. Don't try to save a few dollars here. A good set of resistance bands will last longer and provide you with a safe workout.
I do recommend that before you begin to exercise that you do a quick 5 minutes of cardio to get your muscles warmed up properly.
Resistance bands exercises will give you all the benefits of working out with free weights.. How? The weak point of weights is that the bulk of the work is performed when you first move the weight.
What that means is that as you push through the motion the exercises becomes more difficult. Pushing your muscles to work even harder.
These are the best resistance bands exercises -
# 1 - Resistance Biceps Curl
The biceps curl is a great arm builder exercise. You perform it the same way as you would do a biceps curl with dumbbells, but instead you will be using resistance bands. Perform this exercise as follows:
Position your feet on top of the bands with the handles in your hands palm up buy your side. Create a slight bend in your knees and curl the handles upwards towards your shoulders-- of course only allowing your elbow to bend up. Perform this exercise slowly for 8 to 12 repetitions and perform 3 to 4 sets.
#2 Bent Over Row
Place the bands under your feet and lean forward at the waist. Pull the bands until your elbows bend and repeat. Perform 8 to 12 reps in 3 to 4 sets.
#3 Triceps Extension with Resistance Band
Start by holding the bands in one hand and place that hand behind your back. Grab the other end of the band with the arm that is over your head. Then extend the top elbow until your arm is fully extended.out your back as well as your abs. Perform 8 to 12 reps for 3 to 4 sets.
There you have the best 3 resistance bands exercises for your arms and back. Perform these exercises slowly and strive to use more resistance with every workout. When purchasing resistance bands make sure you use a good quality band. Don't try to save a few dollars here. A good set of resistance bands will last longer and provide you with a safe workout.