6 Easy Lower Abdominal Exercises
Tone your lower abs with a 15-minute workout, three times a week.
The Routine
Sure, a more toned midsection can ease your bathing-suit anxiety. But it can also protect you from injury:Research shows that a strong transversus abdominis—the muscle that wraps around the torso—stabilizes your back, which makes it easier to lift anything, whether it’s kids or grocery bags. To work this tricky-to-target area, try these moves created by Melissa Miller, the owner of M2 Personal Training, in Charlottesville, Virginia. Do the series two times through, three times a week.
Move 1: Warm-Up: Ab Prep
Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Inhale
and tuck your chin to your chest. Exhale and slowly
curl just your head, neck, and shoulders
off the floor as you lift your arms and reach toward your feet. Pause
and breathe
in. Slowly return to the starting
position, breathing out as you go. Repeat eight times.

Next: Move 2: Roll Up
(A) Lying on your back, stretch your arms and extend your legs so you form a straight line. Inhale, bring your arms overhead, and begin to curl your upper body off the floor. (B) Exhale when halfway up and continue rolling forward to reach your toes. Inhale and reverse the move, exhaling halfway down, to return to start. Repeat 10 times.

Move 3: Leg Drop
(A) Raise both legs toward the ceiling. Breathe in and tighten your
abs. (B) Exhale and slowly lower your legs until they’re
about four inches above the floor (or as
low as you can go without lifting the small of your back). Pause and
breathe in.
Breathe out as you raise your legs to the
starting position. Repeat 10 times.

Move 4: Scissors
Raise both legs toward the ceiling. Keeping them straight, lower your
left leg until it’s about six inches off thefloor.
Lift your head and shoulders off the floor
and grasp the back of your right leg, gently pulling it toward you.
Switch legs
and repeat on other side. Quickly complete
10 reps (no pausing!).

Next: Move 5: Hip Lift
Raise both legs toward the ceiling and extend your arms on the floor
at your sides, palms down. Inhale and
tighten your core
muscles. Curl your hips toward your ribs
as you exhale, lifting your hips off the floor and reaching your feet
straight up.
Breathe in as you slowly lower. Repeat 10

Move 6: Torso Twist
A) Sit cross-legged and stretch your arms out in front of you, with your
fingertips touching. Breathe in. (B) With your hips
square and abs tight, breathe out as you
slowly rotate your upper body about 45 degrees to the right. Return to
the center
and repeat on your left side. Complete 10