Resistance Band Exercises for Toned Muscles
With band resistance training, achieving toned muscles is more convenient because they are highly portable can be done anywhere. Here are just a few exercises that you can do with resistance bands at home or the office.
Bicep Curl
Step on the tube and hold handles firmly. To increase the level of difficulty, widen your stance. Slowly bend the elbows and curl hands up towards shoulder. Release and repeat. If done consistently, this exercise will tone your biceps in no time.
Chest Press
Wrap the band around something that is stable, such as a pole or door handle. Next, hold the handles firmly in each hand making sure that both palms are facing each other. Create tension by taking several steps forward. The elastic tubing must be running along inside of the arms and placed under the armpits. Gradually, squeeze your chest as you press forward. Repeat the whole process. Always used a controlled motion throughout.
One-Arm Reverse Fly
First, step on one end of the band with your feet. Grab the other end with one hand and slowly lean forward. The proper position should have you leaning at 45 degrees using your torso with your abs tucked in. A slight bend of the elbow is required to hold the band correctly in a fixed position. Lift your arm up to your shoulders making sure that you contract shoulder blades.
A two handed version can be done by grabbing both handles and stepping on the middle part of the band.
On top of this, band resistance training can easily be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of fitness level or gender. It's an alternative for anyone who doesn't enjoy using free weights. It's also the most inexpensive home gym on the market. Besides, using the band is a lot of fun and really gives you a solid workout.